Friday, November 02, 2007

Episcopalian Courage

Katharine Schori, the current head of the Episcopalian church, was an early supporter of the election of the first openly homosexual bishop in New Hampshire. She is now using her clout to crush the Episcopal diocese in Pittsburgh which is moving to leave the Episcopal Church over the homosexual clergy issue. Threatening all kinds of vengeance, Schori has promised in a letter to levy a civil suit against Pittsburgh's bishop, Robert Duncan.

Her goal is simple. If they lose the Pittsburgh people over the homosexuality issue, they will keep the property through legal entanglements.

Here is Robert Duncan's response:

1st November, A.D. 2007
The Feast of All Saints

The Most Revd Katharine Jefferts Schori
Episcopal Church Center
New York, New York

Dear Katharine,

Here I stand. I can do no other. I will neither compromise the Faith once delivered to the saints, nor will I abandon the sheep who elected me to protect them.

Pax et bonum in Christ Jesus our Lord,

+Bob Pittsburgh

Praise God for this man! In his time of trial, e-mail Duncan at to show your support. May the Episcopal union be sundered if it be for the cause of Christ.

For more on Robert Duncan, visit
To site the letter directly, go to
To read about Katharine Shori's gambit, visit

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